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Zelli Pasta x Alex's Dinner Party

Invest in Art, Capsule 002

My second capsule is built around the slogan 'invest in art'. I first started using the phrase with Nostalgia, the pop up art gallery I hosted at the mall. Invest has an immediate financial connotation, to which I {and most artists will say}, buying our art is always appreciated. But my goal with the wording is to explore and encourage a deeper relationship with investing in art. 

The drop is intentionally simple, featuring four hat color ways and a tote all with the same logo. The items were designed to fold into your everyday routine, sparking conversation about 'investing in art' as you wear them out in the world. Shop the collection here

For the launch, Zelli Pasta generously let me use their storefront and kitchen to host 10 local creatives for an intimate dinner and conversation. We talked through a variety of topics, but I was most struck by the commonalities across ages and seasons of life. A group that arrived as loose acquaintances, left inspired and encouraged. 

Photography: Hone Creative Studio, Alec Ward

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